The England-based Warriors trio of Tendayi Darikwa, Brendan Galloway and Macauley Bonne has been barred from travelling to Zimbabwe for the upcoming World Cup qualifiers.
Preparations for the crucial games have once again been affected by travelling restrictions imposed by the British government in an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19, which require all returnees coming from countries on the ‘red list’, to be subjected to a mandatory ten day quarantine.
Clubs from the English Premier League, where Zimbabwe has Aston Villa’s Marvellous Nakamba, announced yesterday that they will not be releasing players and their counterparts from the English Football League, home to Darikwa (Wigan), Bonne (Ipswich) and Galloway (Plymouth), have followed suit.
“EFL Clubs have today taken the collective decision not to release players for international matches that are to be played in countries on the UK Government’s ‘red list’ next month,” the league said in a statement.
“The EFL supports the decision of its Clubs and is aligned with the position taken by our Premier League colleagues, who are also significantly impacted by this situation.”
“The approach has been necessary as a result of FIFA’s policy change whereby Clubs are now required to release players to countries that are on a Governmental red list, where previously there was an exemption.”
“Discussions had taken place between the Government, FA and FIFA in an effort to find a solution, but due to ongoing public health concerns relating to incoming travellers from red-list countries, no exemption has been granted.”