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Gift Kamuriwo banned for 3 yrs

Gift Kamuriwo has been banned from all football-related activities for three years.

Kamuriwo who was Black Rhinos’ team manager last season was involved in a match-fixing incident in the 3-0 defeat against Herentals in October.

The former Warriors player confessed to the club’s executive that he received money from Herentals official Oliver Chirenga to influence the outcome of the game. He revealed this following internal investigations after his bosses raised a red flag.

The issue was reported to the Premier Soccer League who delivered their judgement on Wednesday.

In a statement, the League said: “Gift Kamuriwo was found guilty of breaching Order 31.2.3 of the PSL Rules and Regulations which makes it an offence on the part of player or official who: Accepts any inducement, reward or bribe referred to in order 31.2.2

“Kamuriwo has been banned from participating in any football related activity for a period of three years as from the 1st of January 2020.

“One year of this period is suspended on condition that the accused pays a fine of RTGS $10 000 (Ten thousand dollars). During his period of banishment, the accused shall not be allowed to watch or be near any football stadium in Zimbabwe.

“The fine of RTGS $10 000 (Ten thousand dollars) together with the costs of the hearing is to be paid by 31 January 2020.”

Chirenga was handed a ten-year ban in the judgement while Herentals were fined RTGS $300 000 and their 3-0 result in the game was forfeited, leaving them relegated.

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