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Farai Jere confirms plans to build new PSL head offices after acquire land

Premier Soccer League chairman Farai Jere has confirmed that they have secured a piece of land to build their new head office.

The league, which was formed in 1992, has been renting a building in the Eastlea suburb in Harare, which they are using as their national headquarters.

Speaking at a workshop event in the capital that was arranged by ZTN, Jere revealed the plans to build their own offices.

“Our headquarters is here in Eastlea but I can’t say a lot about that part because it’s embarrassing.

“From 1992 (when the PSL was formed) until now… we are still renting offices, and it’s something that we are working on.

“But I’m happy to say that we have managed to secure a piece of land for our new headquarters as the Premier Soccer League.

“A league is defined by its infrastructure status, which is our biggest problem at the moment.”

However, Jere also revealed that they are struggling to raise the money to build the new offices.

He also bemoaned the effects of the post COVID-19 pandemic, FIFA suspension and the lack of resources for training administrators, coaches and medics.




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