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Dynamos shed light on US$100 kits

Harare giants Dynamos have given clarity on their jerseys auction, after an uproar by fans over the US$100 price.

The Glamlour Boys released their 2023 season kits, courtesy of their technical sponsor โ€”United Kingdom-based sports apparel manufacturer OTB Looks โ€”this week.

They (Dynamos) this morning announced an auction sale of home and away playing kits, with a player’s name and number and pegged each shirt at US$100.

Many fans who responded to the Twitter post complained that the price is too high.

But Dynamos Media and Liason Officer Chioniso Mashakada, shed light on the jerseys, saying they are not replicas, but are playing shirts being auctioned.

“These are 2023 playing kits, the same kits players will be wearing this season. They have names and numbers for all 2023 registered players and they are limited edition,” Mashakada told Soccer24.

“You get your jersey signed by the player whose shirt you would have chosen. These are not replicas but that the actual jerseys they will be using this season. The replicas will come soon and we will announce when they arrive.

“It’s an auction, there are just two jerseys for each player, the home and away. But assuming that there are two bidders for the same player’s jersey, we will just give it to the highest bidder, because it is an auction,” added Mashakada.

The kits are available at the club’s offices at the National Sports Stadium.


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