Mushowani Stars are in the process of renovating Trojan Stadium in Bindura so that it becomes their home ground.
The Madziwa-based side is travelling about 140km to Harare for their home games after failing to secure the nearest venue which meets the minimum PSL standards for hosting top-flight football. The distance between their home town and Bindura is not more 40km.
To all mashonaland central football is coming home soon. Today Mr Kamambo and Mr F Jere visited our home ground Trojan Stadium. Thisisgoodnews.#tikitakamushowanistars
— Mushowani Stars (TikiTaka) (@MTikitaka) May 23, 2019
Mushowani are one of the three newly-promoted who are playing home matches away from their bases.
Manica Diamonds of Mutare are still travelling over 300km to Triangle to play their home games at Gibbo Stadium after the PSL turned down the Zifa’s approval of Vengere Stadium in Rusape.
Gweru-based TelOne are using Barboufields in Bulawayo.