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Akbay happy with Bosso’s “good” football

Highlanders coach Erol Akbay has said his team is playing one of the best football in the premiership despite loosing at the end.

The coach is under pressure after his team has gone for four matches without picking up a point. They are now nineteen points behind log leaders Chicken Inn and this somehow cast them out of running for title.

The Dutchman told the Herald that his team’s good football can be noted from how they control things during the game.

“My team plays good football and they are certainly one of the best clubs playing a flowing brand of football in the country,’’ he said.

“In all the matches which we have played this season, I think we have been on top of things and even our opponents can confess.”

The Bosso gaffer also said the only problem for failing to win was the impotent front line.

“It is just unfortunate that we have always been unable to score in almost every game which we have lost or drawn.

“We need to sharpen our strike-force and in the game against Dynamos I think every player is motivated to do well.”

The Bulawayo giants will face Dynamos in a Battle of Zimbabwe on Sunday.

Nonetheless, Erol Akbay is optimistic that his team have what it takes to kick start their revival in the big match considering their hunger for victory.

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