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Hlongwane slams ZIFA calls for Pasuwa reinstatement

The Ministry of Sports and Reaction has slammed ZIFA’s decision to fire Warriors head coach Callisto Pasuwa and ordered that the matter be resolved for the sake local football.

The decision by ZIFA was not taken lightly by the local football fraternity with fans suggesting the move can only take football in the wrong direction.

ZIFA claimed that they fired Pasuwa for a lack of integrity and professionalism

A statement from the Minister Makhosini Hlongwane said they were shocked with the news of the firing of one of Zimbabwe’s most successful and illustrious technical team headed by Coach Callisto Pasuwa.

The minister also felt appointing a new technical team weeks before the Warriors are set to play in CHAN 2016 would derail the team’s chances since the new technical team would need time to acquaint itself with the task at hand.

Hlongwane also blasted the hastily made decision saying, “It is important that ZIFA takes times to applies itself in matter of national interest before announcing major decision that have disruptive capacity and have potential of injuring the national psych.

The minister concluded by calling ZIFA president Philip Chiyangwa to come out of his current leave and attend to the matter with urgency.

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